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When you drink a Lass Haüs Ale...

Know there is a great purpose. The ultimate mission is to create an organization that will provide infrastructure to communities with no resources.  The infrastructure will come in many ways such as community centers, water lines, or a simple household good, with a focus on the recipient's realization of their ability to seize opportunities they may have not otherwise thought were possible.  Lass Haüs Ales will be a funding stream that will allow us to focus on servicing the communities rather than the financial support aspect.



Every human being has innate abilities.


Express to the individual the value they possess to take the opportunities available to navigate challenges.



Relieve a burden of existence so that one may dwell in their inner light and find purpose.

All in All

There is a community of people that struggle with day to days needs. This burden stands in the way of believing in themselves and finding simple enjoyment in life. Children want out of abusive homes and find downtown streets to get away. There are generational limitations which convince people they cannot be anything other than what they know, yet opportunity is around the corner. We will provide a place for children to play, we will identify life burdens that can be supported and encourage the individuals to believe in their unique innate abilities. 

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