Stylistic Description
Redefining your Saison experience. This double brings fuller malt body, brightened with complex notes of citrus only from yeast, and mild hop spice and florals. The result is a crisp yet wonderfully velvet finish typical of Belgian style ales. This beer is very versatile, performing incredibly well in an elevated setting capable of reigniting dinner flavors on the guest's pallet, while also is an easy-going thirst quencher for easy repeat requests. A unique boosted blend of character makes this a very exciting and drinkable ale when looking for a more interesting craft but not one that is too heavy.
Additional Info
Belgain saison yeast, high-gravity, suggested 8 oz to 10 oz pour in LHA glassware available
What People Are Saying
"Increased craft beer sales by 400%." - Florence Beer Market
"Best saison I've ever had." - Matt, bar manager @ Rentsch Brewing